Cyclocross Season Updates - 2021 and a look back at 2019

need more intel @adm0629!! Please DM me!

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What time is your race? I happen to have tomorrow off work and will try to squeeze this in!!!

Just used my mad google skillz to check the website - - 8:50AM. OK. Liz is getting up early on her day off :slight_smile: This will also motivate me to behave at our company holiday party which is tonight…Google maps for Friday AM is telling me I have to be on the road by 7AM if I am to be your cheering squad. I will do my best :wink:


OOhhh yay @reservoircat and @PaleGail!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I am so nervous, don’t even know why, it’s not like I am a contender for the podium!

If you go to the race, come hang out at the PSIMET tent- it’s joined with other Chicago teams and it is a huge compound with a big couch, table, coffee, snacks, and it’s nice and warm!


I didn’t think. You were racing other than relay @Coach_Theia i checked the wrong age cat :woman_facepalming:t3:. I won’t get out there until the relay race - I’m off but big all employee meeting so i need to attend that - maybe sit on the bike at the same time - not sure - have to figure out those details in the am :roll_eyes: how long will you be able to hang out @reservoircat?

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Hi Everyone - posting this at @Coach_Theia request: Coach will be offline for a little bit recuperating from an accident during today’s race. The day started well, but then a bike mechanical (bent derailleur) prevented her from keeping with the lead pack. She was able to work with for a few laps before course conditions overwhelmed and she crashed. She was taken to the hospital and is now home. She suffered a broken fibula - - noggin is fine however. I don’t have more detail than that at the moment other than she needs a little rest and recovery before coming back on line.

@PaleGail - I didn’t hang out after Theia’s race but I have the wristband that gets you into the park all weekend long - - if you or anyone else plans to go spectate and are in Chicago, you can have my wristband (it’s a sophisticated fabric band and not a single use plastic thingy). Otherwise it is $20 to get into the park.

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@reservoircat thanks for the update on @Coach_Theia! I heard when i got there but had no updates from Psimet. so very sad and bummed for her.

I have a wristband - i got one for volunteering the other day - are you still on the JS slack? I saw chatter there the other day about people maybe going Sunday

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LOL…what is the JS slack? I am so not tech savvy…is that from the bike marshalls? IF so, good idea. I will offer it up to them!..actually no sooner did I post this and I recollect: “Johnny Sprockets” Man I am slow!!
I just messaged the slack group…let me know if I did that right :wink:

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Yes @reservoircat i saw the message come through on slack - for the record, I’m not savvy with the cool kids stuff but i try to lurk in the background :rofl:

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I was able to hand off my wrist band to Chris!

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Here are a few pics of Cyclocross Nationals. I look at these and have a strange feeling. I did not feel good (not physically, but mentally) at all at any point in this race, so the pictures just remind me of how I was feeling at that moment. I also did not have a good feeling when I did a pre-ride days before. Anyway, at least I had a great sprint start in this event, and was well positioned for a bit before it all went south.


@Covi I had a nagging voice telling me to quit my race the whole time. I am glad you listened to yours!

@Coach_Theia it’s never easy to do that. We invest so much time training, we rearrange commitments, get up super early and sometimes drive hours to get to a race that it’s never a simple thing to say I think it’s best not to start or DNF. But I do believe that when we are having doubts, our mental state is probably not where it needs to be during a race and when our equipment is not working 100% it adds more stress and risks to the situation. But as Tommy D says, “there’s nothing good back there”. Time to focus on your recovery and you’ll come back wiser and stronger than ever! Xx


@Coach_Theia I hear you and feel for you :hugs: I will say when I scrolled thru the pics, yes I’ve been keeping tabs on Kenny’s fb group posts, I saw this pic of you and it made me smile regardless of how it ended for you. I think you look positive, determined, and badass so what you felt yourself that day, it did not extend past that. I’m so proud to call you coach and friend :heart_eyes:


Thank you so much @Covi and @PaleGail :pray: :heart: