WAHOO!! So happy to hear a positive ending! Can’t wait to see the new bike pics!
Can’t wait to see your new bike @reservoircat!!
Thank you and @adm0629 for the positive on Peregirne and they did not disappoint! I dropped it off yesterday before closing and it was done so i could pick it up today which was good since i have all this TdF stuff to do this weekend LOL
They were really great! Very responsive to my ?;s about how they were handling things with C-19, which was important for me.
So, even though i have ridden as much in the last 6 mon on Zwift as I did all of 2019, the bike was in good shape, needed mostly cleaning and they only charged me 1/3 of the tune-up charge. They have my business moving forward for sure! Tells me they care about the customer first .
And now i can (attempt) S1 L’Etape tomorrow. - never done radio tower before and once this crazy high heat/humidity is gone,i am ready for IRL
Just picked up my new bike! Gotta come up with a name for it…Of course it is raining so I don’t want to ride tonight. Will have to get up early tomorrow

I have the stock wheels set up with 37mm tires for the trails / gravel whilst my road set up is with the Enve foundation 45s. Can’t wait to take it outside!!
New bike day! Have fun!
@reservoircat, sweet!!!
Sooo pretty @reservoircat!
It’s stunning!!
Gorgeous bike @reservoircat! Disc brakes, aero wheels… Love it!
Ooh @reservoircat, that’s a nice gravel ready rig you’ve got! Love disk brakes. Enjoy it!
So @dfriestedt funny / not so funny thing is that the “hang loose” rear derailleur was only fixed on the really high end Exploro frames this year…not the one I bought. It is a PITA but much easier to deal with when the bike is on a bike stand (which we have). Also, I hadn’t considered that this is a thru-axle design and that I would have to install the adaptors on my direct drive trainer and now my fiance and I cannot really share the one trainer we have…so he either has to also invest in a thru axle bike or I have to locate my old road bike that I loaned to someone five years ago and put it on the trainer…Luckily I may have located the old road bike
There is an issue too… shifting from the big ring to the little ring is a huge jump on this bike and means being cognizant that one isn’t “cross chaining” is all the more important. Sadly my bike also has some kind of defect and I am not sure if it is my fault or a manufacturing fault…Peregrine thinks it could be due to the Praxis chain-rings that were a stock part on the bike and they are contacting 3T and will call me with what they learn. When I am in the easiest possible gear on this bike and going up a hill, the chain hits the frame (unfortunately also has scratched up that part of the frame since when it happened I was on what may be one of the steepest inclines in IL AND had a horse truck barreling down on my left so I had no where to go and had to pedal through and further damage my brand new bike.) I don’t know if I caused this by mixing SRAM parts with Shimano by virtue of adding a Quarq and SRAM Force Crank Arms but until we figure it out I cannot recommend this bike to anyone More to come. Peregrine were pretty stumped since running through the gears on a bike stand with no pressure on the pedals, it shifts perfectly. Adam actually rode the bike outside and confirmed I am not crazy.
Also,as a point of clarification, I was already half way up the hill when this happened and I didn’t change gears. All of the sudden it was as if I couldn’t pedal as the chain was partially off and I couldn’t shift to a slightly harder gear…
On the Open there are very specific dimensions that you need to be aware of because on the dropped chain stay. Certain chain ring sizes / types will not work.
I do not recommend mixing SRAM and Shimano parts. Neither will warranty the setup. I have so many issues with creaks on my bikes I do everything to keep things simple so I can trouble shoot noises. On some bikes I can pull the chain around the cassette, so I need to keep everything in the same family. The first thing my mechanic would say is replace the “X” so everything is SRAM or Shimano.
Regarding cross chain shifting. I make every effort to not do that. Specifically because it causes dropped chains or chain suck for me. I am very careful to prevent this by shifting in the middle of the cassette. I’m pretty sure my gravel bike would implode, drop the chain and I would crack the frame (again) if I shifted under power into a cross chain condition. I have everything need to prevent this, but nothing helps except for 1x. And I hate the range of a 1X so I don’t run that on my Gravel bike. I’ve just learned over the years that my weight and power amplifies everything. I need to do everything right for stuff to work.
Hope that helps!
Does this only happen when Cross Chained? Or little in front and big in back it hits? This should not happen. And even in a cross chain it should not hit. Sounds like the front ring is too large possibly. I do remember there being very specific limitations on the chain ring size up front with the 2x.
It happened while climbing and already in the little ring in front and big ring in back. If I am in the little ring in front and anything other than the big ring in back the chain has a lot of “bounce” or so I am told by Jon who rode along when I was running through the gears.
The set of wheels I have for gravel with nobby tires on it has a different cassette: 12/34 and I put that cassette on the trainer. When it happened on the trainer I was absolutely cross chaining by accident and then because I just couldn’t find the right combo of cadence and gearing that felt smooth in the smaller ring up front, I did the rest of the workout in the big ring and more or less didn’t hit any of the suggested cadences. The tubeless road wheels that this has happened on are a 11/28. I have relegated myself to riding in the northshore area where I know I won’t need that little ring at all until this is figured out