The nervousness before races or events

I get really nervous at races even Zwift ones, so much so that I find myself avoiding them. I know I expect too much from myself and hate the thought of failure. I feel sick and always have an upset stomach resulting in constant visits to the toilet usually minutes before the race starts. I always go to a dark place during the race. Once finished I can either feel fantastic or devastated, it’s always the 2 extremes.

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This is one of the best- if not the best - podcast I have come across about the topic of mental skills ofr athletes. In fact, the teachings here are applicable to all areas of life - and as I was listening I thought how it aligns with nutrition as well.

Well worth your time:


My anxiety was so terrible before Saturday’s race that my high HR started the day before, I woke up 1.5 hrs early, ate my Z Bar in 2 bites to try to trick my body into accepting it, laid down for a bit to calm my breathing, then messed with my seat so much that I almost missed my race start! I revisited this thread, just now, and maybe some meditation would help.