@laurasibson Team COALITION is a great team with a very supportive ladies group. Let me know if interested. You will see several of us on the FCC and that’s a great place to ask questions and learn about teams.
As long as everyone is plugging their teams, Velocity Vixen is a small close team. We’d love to have you join as well. And we have partnered with REVO during some times when we couldn’t field a full team.
Which seems difficult for a number of teams this season.
Congrats to our dear @Coach_Theia on her FABULOUS Top Ten finish on this challenging route in a very strong C cat field!! Bravo Coach!!
Thanks @bkolden ! Right back at you with your top 10 finish!
This was a brutal race. Our field was pulverized in the first 5 minutes
6 minutes in I had an average power of 4.1w/kg. Look at my HR (my max is 200) - it barely went below 180bpms for the entire race. because the group was broken up so fast I was riding in between two groups - by myself and with no draft for most of the race, Working to keep the gaps. At least I got 9th through all segments for points
Absolutely inspired riding @Coach_Theia
Agreed that the large field I had in my division was shattered on the first climb. I was fortunate enough to be in touch with the front group until about the final 5K and I out sprinted one gal I was riding with at the finish for 9th place (an absolute first for me). Also got top 10 points for all segments. I had to concentrate on lowering my heart rate whenever I could so I didn’t completely blow up. NO WAY I could have done that today without the workouts and training we have been doing. So a huge Thank You @Coach_Theia
WOW! Great work @Coach_Theia and @bkolden
You are both so inspiring!!!
Thank you @laurasibson I am a D cat (for life) and have only begun racing in the last few months. I lacked the confidence to even enter a race. A team mate mentor and @Coach_Theia spoke words of confidence so I tried it.
I can now see why I hadn’t done this route since 2020.
I did the tiny races on Sunday managing 2 wins and 1 5th place (missed the first surge).
Last night: Hung on for a bit at the start but realized I needed the effort for the climbs. At my weight I have to put even more effort into them and I know some of the racers in D climb over 2.6-3+.
Ended up 22/35 but set quite a few PR and had best 8week power averages across the board. Spent ~60% of the race Z4 or higher (including 25’ in Z6). Was able to pass a few people on the climbs and hold them off on the rollers. And even though I’m not a sprinter and didn’t have a draft took 4th on the reverse sprint and 6th on the forward.
Anyway looking forward to the rest of the weeks workouts and ride leading the REVO social on Sunday (join in the fun, it’s banded).
Disregard the total time on the tridot screen, most of the Z1/Z2 time was during my warmup.
Thanks @bkolden and @laurasibson ! And @bkolden all your sprint work paying off big time!
@vivian.a.workman holy cow that’s an incredible race effort! That time in Z6 would have put me in a coffin! Congrats on the PRs and on the Tiny Race placements!!
Haha. Thanks. I think all the VO2 max efforts have been paying off. I can’t hold the power for all that long but I’ve been able to grab quick breaks then ramp back up. More like IRL riding the hills around here. I’m trying to move to holding the power longer with shorter regroup breaks. So I might try adjusting up my FTP on the workouts and see how that plays out. I’ve also tried to be smarter about how I use power and where I take breaks.
I’ve also been following a new strength program since 1/1. Goal is minimum 2 workouts/week. Mainly complex body weight moves. I think that too has helped.
I have to say, having insider information made this racee more do-able. I can’t say I knew when to implement the info @Coach_Theia provided but I know I did! I also did decrease my trainer resistance so there was a bit of a learning curve to figure out my gearing.
COngrats @Coach_Theia and @bkolden for your top 10 finish. I saw @vivian.a.workman on the course and she was doing amazing.
I placed 2nd in our race it broke up on the first climb, I luckily was able to get back to the front group (thank you threshold WO! never thought I’d say that). It soon decreased to 3 of us and one was from my team. So that was nice. I think I used my powerups well, except for the last anvil. My teammate had one too and I didn’t realize, I deployed mine during those last few rollers, she deployed hers right before the finish line. I could not outsprint the anvil.
After the last sprint, we lost the third woman and we had a big enough lead on her that we were able to slow our pace. I did have a time that I had wanted to finish the race by, but since we were far enough ahead, we decided to back off a bit. paid off today.
I also go some PRs on the course and also hope not to do it again any time soon.
Congrats @Gossimrr I have fun DSing my team that is in your division. So I can keep track of you and @vivian.a.workman Well done ladies!!
ha @bkolden you are creeping on us. We had double DS’s last night. It was an eventful race. One racer had to abort due to breathing issues and another was glitching. Spinning her pedals but it wasn’t regeristing on screen. So she had a long ride.
Fantastic racing @Gossimrr!!!