Everything Bagel ZRL Route - Tips

Here are some notes and tips for the Zwift Racing League race on the Everything Bagel course.

First, take a look at this post for an overview

This race will be decided in the first 10-15 minutes (first time up the KOM/QOM). The course starts with a downhill so light riders need to make sure they are towards the front of the peloton at the start.

I recommend setting your trainer difficulty to 50% or a bit lower for this course. The QOM has steep pitches at 12%-15% grade and other sections of the course has shorter 6%-12% grade short hills as well. Shifting will be super important, and you need to be careful not to drop your chain up the QOM! Lots of opportunities to super tuck after the many hills.

Because the course is very rolling, use high cadence as you enter the hilly sections of the course to carry your speed through with less effort.

It’s a “long” race and it will be tough for riders to hide in the draft. There is no escaping the work on this one. Be ready for non-stop punchy efforts.

Plan to have a gel about 40%-50% into the race.



As a lighter rider, Am I still better off using super-tuck rather than powering down the descent?

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During a race, from what I understand, supertuck is faster (vs. a regular ride or solo ride outside race). Having said that, if the riders around you are heavier, they will go faster on the supertuck. However, height also plays a role and adds resistance. So here is a good real life example: you and I have pretty much the exact same weight, but you are taller than me. In that case, I will be faster in the supertuck if we are side by side.


Well I am shrinking every year so eventually we will even out. :rofl: Thanks for the info. A group of us did the AdZ and then descended “together”. I was basically left behind by up to over a minute by the heavier riders with all in supertuck. :joy: No way I was catching them

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I’m so glad I’m not on the team for Tuesday!!! This is my least favourite course of them all. I’d rather do AdZ :joy: (Not really, haha)
Any race where “everything” is decided on a climb shortly after the start is a lost race for me, being a low C.
Will be cheering you on if you race, fellow 360s, regardless of team!


I’m short and light compared to others. The super tuck doesn’t help me.

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I am hoping to sit this one out. Super tuck doesn’t help and I really dislike the NY courses.

I also was planning to sit this one out but alas I am needed to make 6. I used to just tell people I am a non-racing captain but that excuse has lost it’s power this round. :woman_facepalming:

And I just learned that being tall and light certainly doesn’t help. :rofl:

I’m not planning to race this week - not a fan of the course at all - I’m not tall nor light so i think I’d be screwed anyway :woman_shrugging:t2:


I wasn’t planning to race but am needed to make 6. :open_mouth:

Haha, Nina, I feel this, too, as a low C!

Do a bunch of folks here race together on a team?

@Covi @kswhite and I are on the same team. This thread is about a particularly yucky race several of us are doing on Tuesday.

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@laurasibson a bunch of us race. We are on different teams. Sometimes race together or guest race on another team.


The gel at about half way is in addition to liquid carbs about every 20 minutes?

Yes. That will be a 1h race, so 1 bottle of electrolytes + carbs, assuming the mix is no more than 50-60g of carbs.

At my pace this will easily be close to a 90 minute ride. :turtle: :rofl: Thanks!

we have several COALITION as @bkolden commented, 5-6 REVO @Coach_Theia @Stefanie @vivian.a.workman @pam myself, @Petals if she’s still training with us and @Gossimrr from Vixens but she sometimes races with REVO as our 2 teams do a lot of collaborating to make numbers for events - Hope I didn’t miss anyone

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Thanks, Gail. I hope to return to racing later this spring. I’ve previously raced ZRL with a BMTR women’s team, but they can’t always field a full team at my level. I’m on the Femme Cycle Collab Discord server so I know there are lots of options for racing outside of ZRL.

Always welcome to race with REVO @laurasibson !!! Just Hit me up!

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