Thanks considering this for box jumps and walks. Not sure since my knees ache the next day after walking with body weight but may try it.
@bkolden it took me 3.5 years to add a weight vest for box jumps and plyos. Don’t rush. You are better off focusing on form and exploding as high as you can with your body weight. As for walks, if they already hurt your knees I would also not do it.
I had a video call with my PCP today and she of course presacribed meds. I am on the fence to take it. I’ve been listening to podcasts, reading books, articles. I am not convinced and I am also wondering what the reason is for the osteoporosis. ( I like my MD but I don’t feel she thinks out of the box much).
I did get a referal to a GYN to ask her about HRT. She also gave me a PT referral. I am not sure that is necessary but I can give it a try.
I am more inclined to try and work on this with diet and exercise. I have decided on a gym to join in the neighborhood. Want to lift heavy, progress to that as well as the plyometrics.
I am considering the weight vest for walking, just not ATM it’s just too freaking humid outside.
excellent @Gossimrr !!
I’M FEELING A BIT OVERWHELMED. BUT I DID TAKE THIS TIME TO ooops cap lock, take care and sort things out. Thankfully I feel like I’m getting a hold of my OAB.