@adm0629 was in town so the Illinois area crew (@reservoircat @PaleGail) got together for a trail ride!! It was SO great to catch up in person. Thanks, ladies!! Had a wonderful time!
Very nice and looks like everyone had a blast!
Awesome so happy you all got to meet up!
I was just thinking the other day about another meetup. I’m sad I missed it.
@Reneea2002 let’s do it!! This one was very much in promptu because Angie was here. We still have several weeks of warm weather. I’ll put up a poll with a few dates!! This one was 30 min north of where we met last year. I know that is quite far for you.
It’s all good and yes another meet-up would be fun.
So fun! I just did Biking with Beanzie in DeKalb today and ran into @PaleGail at one of the rest stops! I’m missing the forum and looking to get back into training with @Coach_Theia soon! Just moved from Elburn, IL to Naperville, IL and I’m learning all of my new places to ride. I’d be glad for a meetup any time.
@NUGirl I am sooo glad you posted! I was not remembering your 360Velo tag
It was so great to see you!!! It was a beautiful day to be out on the bike!
I had a good day - i know you all know my unclipping issues and it went really well. Almost one fail right at the beginning - i thought we would make the light, so clipped back in and then had to stop - i managed it though calmed myself down and just made sure to clip out early the rest of the ride. It was a chill ride which was fine. I needed this to feel like i could do it again. we did 43mi which was perfect. The only other annoying thing is those weird rumble strips that they dig into the road. - the 1td one i thought my
were going to come out - had to ride over the 2nd one but the rest i managed to skirt around as there were no cars coming the other way.
Hi @NUGirl! Nice to hear from you!! I hear great things about Naperville - hope everyone is settling in OK. We will keep you posted about a meetup!
@PaleGail great pics and now you are officially road-ready!!
Well maybe - it was a ssllooowwww pace and flat - my friend was all “i can’t go into the small ring until i need it” and then was grinding in her lowest gear on the big ring up the tiny inclines - i rode a lot in small ring simply to not be going too hard - but it was perfect for what i needed to get my confidence back