Membership Discount Code for Women's Cycling Challenge Participants!

Thank you for participating in the 30-Day Women’s Cycling Challenge!

Your hard work, dedication and willingness to get out of your comfort zone has been amazing to watch! I hope you have experienced growth in your cycling, and benefited from the support and motivation of your fellow participants.

Now it’s time to keep going!

I would love to help you continue to get fitter, faster, and stronger. Consistency is key to performance, and you have built a solid foundation in the last month, so let’s keep going! As an incentive, I am offering a special discount: use code WCC920 for USD 10 OFF your first month if you sign up for any of our membership options. No commitment required beyond the first month.

What’s more, every new member will receive a free 30-minute on-boarding call with me.

We have weekly Zoom Q&A Sessions for our members, and it’s a great way to check in and connect with our awesome community!

Exclusive discounts

Members have access to exclusive discounts:

Zealios 25% OFF


Proze 15% OFF

Kramp Krusher 25% OFF

TrainingPeaks 20% OFF Premium

“A goal is not about what you can accomplish, it’s about what you become”
(Michael Hyatt)

Let’s do this!


All done. Can’t wait. Looking forward to learning lots.

Whats onboarding calling? is it video or phone :see_no_evil:

@Debbie just sent an email with all the info!

Thanks I have received it. I’ll probably use the messenger calling. I’ve never used it before but it looks simple enough. I’ll let you know a time soon :+1: and thanks :smiling_face:

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I’ve benefited from the 30-day challenge. I’m curios how your basic plan compares with Zwift off-season plans. Also, I’m not able to see price/workout options. JMF

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Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of the WCC 30-day challenge - it is my first experience with a training plan and has been great!

I would like to continue with the Select plan :blush: and integrate into ZA when it starts.

Hi @jfloweresq I am glad you have seen benefits from the WCC! My training plans are very different from Zwift’s off-season plans. Please read this post to understand why. I do not do “base training” in my own training, and don’t prescribe those to athletes either. If you look at Zwift’s off-season plans, they are mostly time spent in the blue (endurance) power zone. As for price options, I included them here and on my website. Please let me know if you have questions!

Great news @kennertwotr!! :star_struck:

Thank you so much for accepting me into the Challenge. I have learnt so much more than I expected through it.

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Thank you for participating and for that feedback @labc! Hope you will find some of it useful going forward!!

Coach I think I’ve sent my Call Invite. I have no idea what I’m doing, so… hopefully you will receive it soon.

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Yes, we are all set @Debbie!

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Thanks Coach ! the WCC experience has been great and I’m looking forward to continuing to work with you. Ann

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Thanks @tank35girl!! I just got your signup and will be in touch soon when I am back at my computer!

I will be signing up tomorrow! Thanks Coach Theia!

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All signed and paid up to continue the journey!:bike:


Whohoooo :partying_face: @mapmeister @ronyiigibbs

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Thanks for letting me complete the 30 day challenge. I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot. I can’t afford to pay this month and also are going away for a couple of weeks with no access to bikes, but wondered if I can pay next month and use the discount code?

All signed up! :+1::star2:

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@emmamaisonblanc yes, you may use the discount code in a few weeks.

Goodmorning @Coach_Theia, first of all thank you for the last month. I have learned a lot from these trainings.
The plan select is a little bid the same as last month? 3 sessions per week?
The next 2 weeks I want to focus on the crossfit competition after that, i like to go further with these sessions. I descount code is still possible after 6/10?