Plan around Zwift Academy

Hope it’s a great event - have fun!!! Let us know how it goes! and, needless to say, please rest between now and then :wink:

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Thanks @Coach_Theia

Did last bike yesterday evening and had gentle gym session with my trainer this morning. No more now until the weekend, definitely and getting some early night and plenty of good food xx

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I still have ZA#8 to do this week so swap for? I’m going to guess 5.1.3 @Coach_Theia?

None! :sob: In all seriousness, there are so many good skills building this week… So do ZA#8 in place of 5.1.3 but maybe save it and do it at a later time…

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@Coach_Theia i think I moved to future all the ones i swapped out for ZA because they looked interesting and I wanted to do them. I will just have to figure out where I can put them in without overdoing it since I”m trying to be good and take rest/recovery days :blush:

Not to worry- I overreacted a bit… We will continue to work on all the skills on future workouts, after all, practicing it just once won’t yield results :wink:

A few photos from Revolve24 this weekend- great fun!


Congrats @Tracyligemagreen!!! Great pics and I love how each team has it’s own “home”. What was the hardest part about the event? How did you feel overall?

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It really was great @Coach_Theia! I think the toughest bit was that actually the circuit is really very hilly. I think the total elevation for the 24 hours was over 6,000ft and that was in less than 60 miles. Each time going round the circuit in each turn I took the first hill (Druids at 9%) felt harder.

What surprised me was that although I had never ridden in the dark before, I actually was brave doing it, in fact I was faster - maybe because I couldn’t see the descents and corners to be scared of them any more!

It was also interesting the way that repeated rides built familiarity so that the circuit was imprinted in my brain! I would imagine though that this familiarity is mind numbing if you were doing this as a solo for 24 hours!!

The thing I was frustrated with was I felt like I was trying really hard but still couldn’t go any faster! Although my lap times were the same as my team mate who is 18 years younger, I would have still loved to have been doing say 8 minutes a lap instead of 8 and a half minutes!

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@Tracyligemagreen you are brave. Congrats at doing that. I would have been nervous.

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@Coach_Theia I have my last scheduled event for the season this Saturday. I am currently doing a rest week.I received the next plan but my OCD wants me to schedule at the start of October. I actually think I just need a week to regroup. This past week was stressful in the anniversary of 9/11 and also the 5 year anniversary of two other life events which were traumatic. I think my body needs a break.

This Saturday is a ride put on by a (big) local bike organization, We ride many backroads that I don’t know my way around. I am going with my Saturday riding group. They have mostly signed up for the 100 miler. Which will be 122 miles counting the ride there and back. There is alot of FOMO going on within the group. I have registered for the 75 miler. I think I am going to stick with that milage. After riding there and back 100 miles will have been done. I have cut two events short this season. I really want to finish one with the milage I set out to do. I know I can do this, I think I can do the longer one, but for my own sanity and saving face, I’m sticking with my first choice, even if it means riding the last half alone.
Been addressing my breathing, doing yoga, meditation, elimination diet and started a trial of accupuncture.
The weather is forcasted to be lovely and I’m looking forward to riding the backraods with friends and strangers. One day I’ll get that long ride in.

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I think your approach is wise, @Gossimrr. I agree with everything you said. You should be able to apply the next plan at the starting date of your choice. Please let me know if you have troubles with that and I can unapply the plan and re-send you the link. Enjoy the ride. Life is too short and at the end of the day we do these events/rides for ourselves, not for others.

PS - speaking of 9/11… I used to work at the World Financial Center at the time and I was on the last E train that arrived at the WTC, just after the first plane hit. Even writing this gets my heart rate up. To this day I haven’t been able to watch one documentary or read anything- or see pictures- of the event. It was only about a year or so ago that my nightmares stopped. This year I gave an interview for my son’s school social studies project. I found that it actually helped me.


Wow @Coach_Theia you are a survivor. I can’t watch anything either. I can listen to the names being read and cry every time. I didn’t know anyone personally who perished, but my son went to daycare nearby and my then husband worked blocks from there too. I was pregnant at the time. It’s still a vivid memory. Yes, talking sometimes helps. Like you, writing this brings back emotions for me. I get testy eyed.


@Gossimrr :heart:

Wow… this gave me goosebumps… Big hug @Coach_Theia and @Gossimrr


Thanks @Covi. Was just thinking about you today. How is Utah?

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I’m loving Utah @Coach_Theia! Sooooo many outdoor activities to do and places to explore! Summer has been fantastic and now that the temperatures are a bit cooler (but still in the 80s) it’s easier to spend hours outside without feeling exhausted from the heat.
I never thought I would enjoy hiking and trail running that much. It’s so nice being around nature… I learned very fast that I should always carry more water and snacks than what I think I will need… The planned short hikes/runs always end up being much longer… it’s hard to turn back down when you are enjoying it so much :smile:.
I’m also exploring the mountain bike trails. They are spectacular but I still need to improve on the technical sections. I get frustrated when I have to walk my bike but I’m getting a little better and have been able to ride some sections that at the beginning was too scared to ride :grin:.
So as you can tell, it’s a great place to be if you like the outdoors… and in a few months I’ll be ready for ski season!! Woohooooo


@Covi it really impacted our lives here in nyc. sigh
UTAH sounds amazing!!! What brought you there??

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I can’t tell you how happy I am for you and your husband!!!

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