360VELO Achterbahn Meetup - Gail gets a Tron

Let’s have another meetup! Gail is about to get her tron bike, so let’s join her in climbing those final feet and celebrate with her for all her hard work! And if you are working on a tron yourself, you can add some elevation toward your own goal! Plus, we are doing Innsbruck Achterbahn course, so if you need a route badge . . . A little something for everyone :smiley:

Date: Saturday, August 22nd
When: 9 or 10 a.m. CST U.S. time. Vote your preference below.

  • 9:00 a.m. CST
  • 10:00 a.m. CST
0 voters

I will send out meetup invites on Wednesday or Thursday based on time preference and who comments they are interested. The course is 30 miles so plan on 90 minutes up to two hours. Or, join and stay as long as you can. No one says you have to do the entire route!


Since i seemed to be having significant issues with math yesterday which was probably eye/hand coordination but the 2nd time i calculated it i even had my contacts in - i am providing proof that I really am close - have some to chip away at during workouts this week yet


The struggle is real, @PaleGail! I was just telling Drew yesterday that people our age are NOT the ones texting while driving, because we can’t even see the tiny letters on the screen! :rofl:

Wow so close to the Tron!! :partying_face: What an awesome idea about the meetup @Stefanie. That is a good climb in Innsbruck. I’ll join if the weather is bad here.


My current plan is to do Skyline Drive IRL that day, but if we get rained out, I’ll join you. I love the 360VELO group rides.


Please send an invite! I am watching my grandkids overnight on Friday night so not sure I can join in but want to option. Just to be absolutely picky, not that it matters, the timezone actually is CDT as we are in daylight savings time currently. I know, I know it doesn’t really matter but just didn’t want there to be any confusion since I can be easily confused these days. :rofl: :crazy_face:

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Also I’m counting on this being banded ride! as you know I am SLOOOOOOOOW.


I’ll climb with you ladies! Either time works for me.


@bkolden I’m bad at it - partly because i usually forget whether its S or D that goes in the middle :joy::joy:

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CDT can also be Cuba Daylight Time and CST can be China Standard Time :rofl:


Let us know what time you choose! I am a maybe based on weather… would prefer to be outside if I can.
Good idea @Stefanie!


Hahaha @bkolden I had no idea there was a CDT, that tells you how terrible I am with time zone stuff! I think going forward I will just say Chicago time and that way I can’t mess anything up. :grin:

And yes, it will be a banded meetup :slight_smile:


Hehehehe… I was just clarifying. And I think saying Chicago time is perfect since time will chage again soon. lol.


@Coach_Theia, This makes me laugh so much!!! I love you all!!


I have been totally confused by you all.


@Coach_Theia :sweat_smile::woman_shrugging:t3: I didnt realize - that must be even more confusing for people in Central Time (US) either S or D to schedule meetings with people in Cuba or China :woman_facepalming:t3:

@Stefanie I’m going to try Chicago Time - half my company is in DC and even when I clearly mark availability as Central they still schedule it in Eastern - there are more of us in the Chicago office just saying

I’m starting to feel like I need to schedule the rest of this week’s rides so that i hit the mark close to the end - not too early, not too late - the pressure. :pleading_face:


If you’re not IRL, its either 10 or 11 your time @gosimrr - time zones are always confusing

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Awwww. Sorry we confused you!! I was actually sorta being funny. Lol. But I like Chicago time!! I really get confused by the European time zones!!


it happens all the time. Not just with time zones! LOL


It seems I have a school new parent meeting that day, so no riding outside. I would love to climb and listen to my parent info at the same time. I hoping it will rain then. And I’ll be back from Florida.


@Stefanie Please add me to the meetup list and I will join if I can! Definitely would love to be there supporting our wonderful @PaleGail :heart_eyes: