Coming soon: FIT & FESTIVE MONTH!

Oh no @Reneea2002! Don’t push it though, better to take an extra day and go easy if you need to recover better…

Did Core workout III today, and have 2 questions. I wasn’t sure about the correct way to execute the Windshield Wipers maneuver; is the starting position legs up and together, then drop them together to the left, back to center, then to right? i.e., is the body in an L position? I couldn’t get my legs all the way to the ground on either side while keeping my shoulders down. Also, my balance on the single leg squats was…embarrassing :smile: Tried resting my hands on opposite counters and was much better, but then went back to not using supports since I assume these squats are more about using the core muscles to balance during the squat than perfectly executing a squat. Is that correct? Thanks!

Hi @hollybw did you see this video? It shows the movements and variations. No need to have the legs all the way to the ground - go as low as you can without getting the shoulders off the floor.

The single leg squats are hard for sure - with them you are not just working the core muscles- you are also working the ankles and glutes- they all need to be recruited for this exercise. So yes, try to do them without support.

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Sorry, seem’s I am not able to join you this month after all, I wish you all riders and coach a nice desember month and Marry Christmas to all of you:)

Ride on!


-------- Opprinnelig melding --------

Hi Everyone,

I have been so busy with work and haven’t had a chance to read, replay or train… UGH…

I am doing the Women’s Championship for the 3rd time this year. Been riding and racing the course over the past 2 weeks. It’s a lot of fun. I think there is still time to register for the race.


@Marex no worries- thank you for your message and best wishes for the Holidays!!!

@lhrosie99 yes, the deadline to register is Sunday, December 8th.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fit & Festive (December) - Week 1 discussion

Oh man! That stinks. At least you can ride. Quick recovery