Eating Habit Challenge: Eating when hungry (the lucky #7)

OMG @medic7404 I saw that on your social media post! A BACON vending machine?!! Did they have any chocolate covered ones?

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Unfortunately not! :frowning: Just by the pound bacon, sausage, cheese and the like.

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@Silje The sole purpose of this exercise is awareness. For people who are already very much in tune with their hunger signals and are very disciplined on how much/when they eat, this exercise is, in a way, already being applied. Others might not be so aware and eat for emotional reasons (stress, boredom, anxiety, comfort, etc.) or chronological reasons (on the clock). It’s about timing, and should not lead to the equivalent of fasting or skipping meals at any point. It should not skew things that much either. Like I said, it’s simply an awareness exercise- but a powerful one given how we live our lives these days with work, technology, etc.


A bit similar to Michael Moseley intermittent fasting, I had looked at that but found didn’t would with morning cycling.
However , I often seem to feel hungry all the time . :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Thank you for your reply @Coach_Theia!

I have been more aware the last few days. I am also resting/recovering and its fascinating to observe that a lot of the eating I do is habit, not hunger. Especially when I dont have a work out to prepare for or recover from. Friday I was very hungry in the afternoon after work and had a bowl of musli, cottage cheese and some ekstra protein. Going into the evening I never felt hunger, and I just had a little snack (I cant remember, maybe an egg and a yoghurt) instead of a big supper. Because I wasnt hungry for supper really. I had a big lunch that day too, so I think I was plenty fueled up.

I think I tend to bring my eating habits from workout days into the rest days or rcovery week. If I did a big effort the night before, a Zwift race for instance, I always feel hungry the morning after, but I think thats also my body telling me it needs more, but the more mellow days where I dont get those signals I will try to eat just what I need and not more :slight_smile:


I actually struggle with the opposite and have not eaten enough calories. For the last couple of years, minus the last several months, I have repeatedly skipped breakfast and lunch, relying mostly on handfuls of nuts or jerky. I held on to an extra 5 lbs that I could not seem to get rid of. Since February or so, I have made it a point to eat every meal and make sure that if there’s a carb, It’s a carrier for protein. I hardly snack now and those 5 lbs came off quickly and have stayed off. However, with returning to the schedule of schooling the kids, it comes to meal time and I am absolutely not hungry. I’m forcing a handful of almonds and a half an apple and calling that lunch. Anyway, I am struggling with consuming enough, knowing that I have workouts or races and need to be fueling appropriately. I seem to be super sensitive to dehydration and often will find I have low energy because I’m actually dehydrated and I think staying topped off interferes with my hunger signals.


@adm0629. people have different responses to stress. I also tend to lose my appetite if I am under stress or doing something that demands my full focus and attention. Our digestive system also slows down under these circumstances and even if we eat, we don’t digest and absorb the food as well. Might be worth considering scheduling short breaks where you unplug from the teaching, allow your body and nervous system to reset, then eat.

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Wasn’t feeling hungry today; started work at 7am but didn’t have breakfast until 10:30 Then had a meeting packed afternoon so, despite only being a 5 on the hunger scale I ate an omelette at 13:00 as I knew I’d not get the opportunity to leave my desk until 17:00… it felt wrong eating when I hadn’t reached the magic 7 :flushed:

I’m late to this party but fascinated by the idea. I usually think of myself as more of a grazer where I eat small amounts every few hours whether I’m hungry or not. My weight usually holds pretty steady, but right now I’m carrying an extra Covid 5-8lbs after several months of barely riding and I’d really like to get rid of it.
I’m currently sitting at 3/4 for appetite after a heavy and tasty but not exactly healthy lunch and I realized I probably won’t be hungry for dinner. Overall I don’t seem to hit a 7 appetite very often. I’m either a 3/4 could eat, 5/6 should probably eat, or 11 starving feed me now or you won’t like what happens.

Some of my challenges aren’t unusual:

  • Timing during the day. I’m doing teletherapy and usually schedule appointments back to back, so if I don’t eat during an available break it might be several hours before I have another break. In that time I can go from a 3/4 appetite where I could have had a snack just to top off, to 12, bottomed out blood sugar, and needing to eat NOW and not being able to walk away from work for another hour. Driving between home visits in non-Covid times I tend to snack between visits then come home starving and eat the house down all evening.

  • Bedtime snacks. I know a lot of people struggle here. My bedtime snack is often popcorn because it makes me feel full, but I can pretty easily eat a whole salad bowl full of it. I do try for healthier snacks or at least some protein in the evening even if I’m not hungry because I’m pretty prone to waking up starving in the middle of the night and not being able to go back to sleep. At times it’s been bad enough that I kept crackers next to the bed because I would wake up in a starved panic.

Since I started working from home I eat only when I am hungry.
Kids are in school so I only have to make dinner for the famoly , which gives me s lot of flexibility.
We have dinner early (6-6,30) then I work out, so I rarely feel peckish but if I do its a glass of milk to avoid too many extra calories before bedtime.
I crave nuts generally and use them as my snack with an apple, but if I crave sweets I will opt for a low sugar protein bar.