Oh thank you so much @bkolden @Covi and @adm0629
this makes me so happy. Much appreciated.
@Coach_Theia I have to agree so much. I looked at the plan today. It’s amazing!
I believe I’m slated for a recovery week this week, but I’d love to be involved if it is possible to be!
Whoop Whoop! So excited for Fit and Festive! Since it’s recover week for me @Coach_Theia, how much should I lower my ftp for the workouts? Your original post didn’t say how much to lower (or I am blind and missed it when I scrolled back through to see) Also I am racing ZRL on Tuesday, which workout would be better for me to do on Thursday, 1 or 2?
@cjhanson it’s on your calendar starting today!
No need to lower FTP @Stefanie , just skip w/o 1.2.
me, too @Coach_Theia - it’s super awesome - thank you for putting it all together !
4 posts were merged into an existing topic: December Discussion
@Coach_Theia, I am so impressed with the thought you put into each workout. I am finding the motivational/inspirational discussion before the work outs to be really special!! Thank you so much!!
I am so glad @bkolden
Thank you for Fit@Festive @Coach_Theia. I really enjoyed this last year and judging by workout 1 this year’s is going to be just as good
I’m not on here much but still really appreciate the work you put in to keep us all on track and to create such clever workouts for us xx
@Coach_Theia. Ditto from me. I love the Fit & Festive workouts. The time and thought put into the words and the workouts. Thank you again!
Did my first F&F ride yesterday listening to Christmas songs. I was fit and festive!
Did the first F&F workout and really enjoyed it. I decided I need to get serious and work harder on getting the Tron bike so I’ll try to do the F&F workouts on the Alpe. After yesterday I am at 88%. Loving these workouts!!
I did FF2.1.2 today and it has the computer feedback for power and cadence… It is amazing how much more aware of cadence you get when you get those red numbers telling you to speed up or slow down! Good awareness building exercise! Fun ride!!
Yes, I started including them as part of the targets instead of writing them on the prompts…
I totally echo that! Great booster for the day!
This time last year I did every single workout on Road to Sky until I got that Tron.
It’s always shouting at me for one or the other {power, cadence}.
@CandaceC so I take it that it’s kind of annoying? I don’t like that Zwift does that