How to apply your training plan to TrainingPeaks and connect to Zwift

Hi there, I moved the workout to today to see it show up correctly in Zwift. No I can’t move it back. How do I do this or am I out of luck.

@Ludweig If you have TP basic account I think that you are not able to allocate the workout in the future. Only through the library as noted in the video… @Coach_Theia might confirm that…

I watched the video and moved a workout to today on training peaks to make sure I can see on Zwift and didn’t show up. What could I be doing wrong?

@Jenzar was Zwift closed when you made the change in TrainingPeaks?

@Ludweig I think the easiest thing to do is to unapply your plan and I can re-send it to you to apply again… or you will have to wait until the day you will do the workout and drag the workout to that day.

Hi Theia, life can be erratic, if I miss the planned day, can I also drag the workout forward to the following day? I presume it will have dissapeared from Zwift?

Hi,I have connected TrainingPeeks to Zwift, but the workout can not be seen on my calender. Is there something I am doing wrong?
I have gotten into a little problem, I am going away on Tuesday, and will not be home before sunday, that meens I will do the monday workout, and wants to move the second workout until sunday evening (,I will then miss one) Have I then understood it riht, that I just drag The workout myself?


Yes it was and I also restarted my phone and closed everything and tried again today and it didn’t show up

@Katipo you can drag workouts from the past to the current day. So for example, if you can’t do the workout on a Tuesday but can do it on Wednesday, then on Wednesday you can drag the Tuesday workout in Training Peaks to that day. You can’t drag it to the future with the Basic account.

@Marex I assume you watched the video and followed the steps? For your week, you will have to drag Tuesday’s workout to Monday. Then when you get back on Sunday, you can chose to drag either Thursday’s or Saturday’s workout to Sunday - all in TrainingPeaks before you log into Zwift.

@Jenzar and your Zwift Account is connected to TrainingPeaks, correct? Did you scroll all the way down the menu?

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Yes, all the way down and nothing.

very strange… not sure what else could be wrong if you followed the steps. Do you use Zwift exclusively on your phone? It it an iPhone? Maybe someone else in the forum has any experience with phones?

I’ve been using my iPhone - will try it on my laptop and see if that works - if not, can I just re-create the workout via a custom workout in Zwift the same as you loaded and ride it that way?

Did it work on your laptop? Recreating the workouts in Zwift is possible but it will be a lot of work… You could follow the intervals however, on a free ride in Zwift (outside of workout mode), just like you would do intervals outside for example - read the intervals description in TrainingPeaks and use a timer… That’s what I do anyway. That can also be tricky if you are new to workouts.

Hi I haven’t had mine yet. Please can you resend it to me? Thanks Karen


Hi, I get a message : ”the server receiver a bad request, try again” when I try to apply the training plan to the calender. What shall I do?


@MLindholm I will email you

I went through all these steps. I see the training on the phone app but don’t see it on my laptop when I launch the app. I can’t even see a calendar when I launch the app on my laptop.
I did a road ride today and want to move today’s workout to tomorrow. But the phone app wont let me do it. Getting frustrated :frowning:

Hi I’ve tried so many ways and got home from work rebooted and tried again on my laptop and no workout. It’s in my training peaks but not Zwift. What should I do?

@Jenzar the only suggestion I have left is to disconnect and reconnect TrainingPeaks to Zwift. From time to time my connection gets lost and I have to re-connect.

@Luv2bike which app and calendar are you referring to on your laptop? Trying to disconnect and reconnecting as I mentioned above might help.

I log into Training Peaks on my laptop. There’s a link to launch app. When I do there’s no calendar like in your video.
If I log into the app on my phone I have a calendar but it won’t let me move today’s workout to tomorrow. So I guess I’ll just do Thursday and Saturday’s workout. I did ride outside today over 40 miles.