Increasing iron intake - food or supplements?

My Dr ran a number of blood tests recently as my depression/anxiety has increased and I’ve been feeling super fatigued. I was expecting the results to show I’m peri-menopausal but apparently all of my hormone levels are good, as is calcium, white blood cell count, blood sugar, liver and kidney function. My iron level was the only thing of kilter and whilst it was below normal it wasn’t hitting the anemia range.
My Dr went for the easy option and suggested I take some iron supplements… Any suggestions for a simple ‘trick’ to pack more iron into my diet without reaching for the supplements? Or conversely, is anyone a major advocate for iron supplements?
My diet is always a challenge as I’m dairy and gluten intolerant plus trying to avoid processed sugars. I also have to restrict my intake of raw veggies and fruit due to IBS.
Any suggestions or advice appreciated

I’ve taken an iron supplement (with vit C to increase absorption) and it was very helpful. Why not take the supplement, and once levels are better, maintain through your diet? Also, let’s talk offline about this a little more.I will email you. I don’t eat gluten, dairy, raw veggies or processed sugars either, and it does not limit my options or access to all nutrients. Let’s exchange some ideas on a call.

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@Michelle I have fatigue and decreased sleep. All my labs are “normal” and I feel like I’m in peri-menopause forever. Someone suggested to me to have my ferritin levels checked which is a different lab than just your iron. Mine wound up being “normal” there too. But it was worth it to check for me.
I don’t et gluten and stay away from processed sugar, but eat tons of raw veggies so I am of no help. Hope you can get it sorted out with @Coach_Theia

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@Michelle it’s your ferritin stores. That’s what I was tested for.

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Thanks @Gossimrr; I’m going back to see my GP next week so will ask for a print out of my full blood panel to see exactly what they tested.
I’ve taken @Coach_Theia’s advice and have started taking a daily combined liquid iron & vitamin c supplement so hopefully that will help perk me up a little.

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That’s a good idea. Ferritin stores aren’t usually tested. Your iron levels are. Hope you are feeling better and more energized.

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