Hello All! I would like to offer a Q&A and Chat exclusively on the topic of RECOVERY. If you are interested, please vote below for ALL the times that would work for you to attend this meeting live.
We will have a guest speaker as well, Sanjeev Javia - Founder and CEO of Proze. Some of you know him - and know that he is a knowledgeable resource!
@gossimrr. Having personally messed up last time, it’s easy to mess up. AND I worked in the airline industry for years and lived time zones 24/7. I know it’s sometimes confusing Here’s a website that can help: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
Interested but times aren’t good with Perth.
If able to record it would be great.
I have a weeks holiday riding coming up on 6 October , about 500km in week. One day if 159km, Definitely hasn’t been my best year for preparation, so unfit compared to previous events.
@paulamunt I love PERTH! Years ago….in another life ( aka starter marriage) my husband worked a year in Perth. Loved Freemantle and the lovely markets, Margaret River wineries, I didn’t love having to check my shoes for scorpions or other deadly creatures LOL Remember there always being a lovely breeze on the afternoons. It’s funny, it kind of reminded my of home here in Vancouver ( ie city on the water etc). Good luck on your ride, I can imagine how beautiful it will be. You’ll do GREAT…we’ll be with you in spirit.
Hi loved Vancouver when we visited nearly 15 years ago. Looking forward to travelling to Canada again one day.
Girlfriends have planned a couple of back to back long rides on weekend, up ocean reefs, gnangara to middle swan, up greenmount, Kalamunda , down zig zag and home, 140km. Then a flat ride to muchea Sunday.
Just completed this! I’m a little behind. Made everything okay except the 115 watts for 3 minutes after everything else. Pushed me to the edge! Really felt my core kick in (for the first time).
Here is the invite for Monday’s meeting. Hope to see you there! Please post any questions you may already have below to help us cover topics of interest!
Theia Friestedt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Recovery Q&A and Chat [360 VELO] / Proze
Time: Sep 14, 2020 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 633 443 4311
Passcode: cycling
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Meeting ID: 633 443 4311
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Very good article coach.
As ever with me I have a couple of questions
Compression boots are the only recovery equipment scientifically proven to aid in recovery (and adaptation!!).
Can you expand what you mean by adaptation, How and in what way? Thanks
A light walk is likely better than sitting all day with your legs up. It gets fresh blood flowing into your muscles.
If I have had a fairly hard workout/ride I finish off with a 10 mile cool down. I found this out by accident. The day after riding my legs used to feel like sausages under a grill, just about ready to burst open and quite painful. The 10 miles cool down seems to have cured all aches, pains and soreness from the legs and I am fit and ready to go the next day. I do sometimes wonder if 10 miles and 40 minutes is excessive, but I suppose whatever works.
I am wanting to train power zones 5,6,7 and read online that you should only do 2 maybe 3 of these in a week because of the stress they put on your body. What kind of recovery should I be thinking about during the rest of the week? I’d like to fit in a long endurance ride and maybe a couple of short races with 2 days off a week. Is 2 days going to be enough? Should I just do it and see how I go?
It was refreshing to read your comment about eating real foods. So many times I have heard people talk about all the supplements they have eaten or drunk and I’m sitting here thinking why don’t you just eat real food The one and only supplement I have is protein power, and I make it with milk not water.
Thank you for posting - it was interesting. I can relate to not being able to eat right after a hard workout & will give your tip a try. It’s always even harder for me to feel like eating if it’s been really hot / humid. I’ll also give the resets at night a try - thanks ! A massage therapist once told me about the “heart” in our calves - so cool.