Strength training to be incorporated to your cycling plans!

To all: thank you. Between this conversation and listening to the Friday Zoom meeting, I finally got motivated and did the first strength training session today (only 2 sets, minimum number of reps in each). I figured it had been too long since I did any strength and it would hurt. On the road to do this twice a week! Looking forward to hearing about everyone’s progress. Thanks again!


I’m now entering the week 5 Strength workout and I must say it’s amazing how I feel better! At the beginning it was hard to find the will to go down to the gym in the afternoon but now I’m waiting for it!
@Coach_Theia I have a question: week 5 is called week 1 so I assume I have to do 4 reps, right?


I did my first strength session in my lunch break today :grin: So pleased time have finally found the motivation to get started, although I’m not sure my body will thank me (at least not in the short term).
My shoulder did cause a few issues - I was able to do the crab walk but I was definitely a lopsided crab. The single leg to squat took a bit of concentration but was ok on my popping knee but I did get some discomfort doing the Bulgarian squats so had to limit how far I dipped.
Lateral plank raises had to be done on forested rather than fully extended arm - hopefully this isn’t a biggy.
I did attempt the reverse table top but it was too much for my shoulder and I had to stop - getting in to the initial position was ok but as soon as I tried to lift my butt up to flatten out there were all kinds of pains in my shoulder :scream:


@Michelle that’s great you started! Bravo to you. I am going to do it today as well. I’m going to sub into my previous strength program as some of the moves here are not good for me shoulder/neck as well. Keep it going.

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Hello All! Regarding your second month of the Equipment-Free Strength:

Once you complete 4 consecutive weeks, you will go back and repeat week 1 (fewer reps) as a “deload”. “Deload” is the term used in the Strength & Conditioning world to mean “recovery week”. Then you go back to loading the body from where you left off in week 4 of the first month.

For those starting strength late, please follow the order of weeks, starting with #1.

If you were at the top number of reps at the end of month 1/week 4, then on week 2 of second month start adding weights.


Well done @Michelle! :muscle:

So, just to make sure I understand @Coach_Theia, I’ve done all the weeks, so this week I do the first week again but do the lowest number of sets and reps for all of them?


@Stefanie correct

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Aha thanks, that was clarifying. I have to shuffle around a bit on my week 3/4 to make it add up, but I will make it somehow… i also have weights ready to add on :smiley:

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Week 1 Workouts Discussion - Women’s Cycling Challenge

Yes , interested , have program but interested in options.

Good afternoon- I’m sorry I’m late to the party and we’re into week 3 of the challenge / but can I get the strength workouts added - thanks!

@paulamunt and @jfloweresq the strength programs are available to our members and therefore are not being added to the Women’s Cycling Challenge. Happy to answer any questions you may have about it!