I am looking to incorporate a strength training program into your cycling program - if you are interested! The program will be designed by my strength coach, Jess Elliot (whose podcasts I posted in this thread), and would be uploaded into your TrainingPeaks calendar, just like the cycling workouts. There will be short videos demonstrating the movements.
I know many of you have expressed interest in strength training. This would be offered at no additional cost to you! Your only investment would be on some basic equipment if you chose to do these at home (a few dumbells, an adjustable kettle bell, etc.)
That would be awesome to have strength added. With the pools closed, I started using the rowing machine, and doing arm strength exercises. I am looking into buying some stretch cords.
I’ve seen some specific for swimming but I already have paddles so I plan to just attach my stretch cords. Will see how it works either today or tomorrow.
This sounds awesome - - I am very interested! Also, I know nothing about the equipment to buy. Could you post links to examples of items that could be purchased from Amazon or Dicks or Target?
Yes, will do! Amazon has a lot of things sold out… but Dicks seems to have a full inventory and I got my dumbells in one day even though I did not chose expedited shipping.