Events and Races

We added a place to add Zwift names in our benchmark spreadsheet way back when - or at least note them there @Coach_Theia maybe we should bump that up for those that joined us since then? That would help with the regulars, not so much the WCC people :woman_shrugging:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Eating / fueling multi-day rides and races

Well it looks like Escape from Alcatraz is on for August. Looks like I need to work on my bi-lateral breathing. And a hilly bike of 18 miles with 1427’ gain
Run is 8miles with 550’ gain including the sand stairs. I see hill repeats in my future.


@vivian.a.workman Whew!!! That sounds challenging! Good luck training for that! I’m sure @Coach_Theia has a training plan for ya!! Glad it is a go this year.

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Events are coming back, and that’s great news!! @vivian.a.workman this will be a blast!


rock on @vivian.a.workman - looks like a great event

amazing @vivian.a.workman looking forwad to seeing some pictures from that! Great News! Enjoy the training journey :slight_smile:

I was working towards Leadville last year and somewhat this year. But our Leadville qualifier may not go on. Everything is up in the air. There’s a few small time trials and stuff I may jump in on but so far it looks like just a bunch of whatever riding… :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Do you ride with any groups out there @medic7404?

I try. Mostly my husband. I’ve ridden with a few other people over the years but I have yet to find anyone that’s a good fit if I want to push it. We don’t have shoulders on most of the roads so I’m afraid sometimes of going alone with the kids home.

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@Coach_Theia got my GA pass to Cx Nationals :star_struck: You are entering yes?!

Yep, planning on racing Masters on Friday, Dec 10th!


3 posts were split to a new topic: Training for Multi Day Cycling Events

@Marmen21 how many hours do you estimate that 50 miles will be on the bike for you?

@Coach_Theia, that is a great question… I’m assuming it will be slow go, since we will be loaded. But could be 3ish hours?

Ok, in talking to my friends, apparently I was overestimating! Time wise will probably be more more like 4-5 hours. :woman_facepalming:t4::woman_shrugging:t3:

ok I will get back
to you

I finally have some events to plan for this season. We are doing the medio fondo in Maine. Escape NY in September and I am considering an event in May 125 miles on LI NY if the weather is in my favor.

Some teammates want to do the Empire trail here in NY, 100 mile/ day over 4 days. I don’t think I want to day that mileage every day. Maybe I’ll crew! :rofl::rofl:


5 posts were merged into an existing topic: March 2022 Discussion

Congrats @adm0629 on an excellent performance at the Bouder Roubaix today, finishing 3rd in her Age Group!! :fire: